About Us
Rich and Georganne are experts on generational diversity, consumer trends, marketing and promotion, and everything retail.
You can make your choice of advertising media work harder! From advertising on network television for next to nothing to free publicity and accessible space, we'll show you how. You'll learn inside secrets: effective techniques to maximize your advertising dollars and stretch the effectiveness of every ad you run. Whether in print, radio, television, or other media, these are proven techniques that work!
Street Savvy™ Newspaper Advertising
There once was a day when newspaper advertising was king, but that's changed. Many newspapers have experienced a decrease in circulation, yet rates continue to climb. Even when rates stay the same, the paper adds a column, and you end up paying more for the same space. But newspapers can be a compelling medium when approached Street Savvy™'s attitude. During this seminar, you'll learn: How to create dominant ads that customers can't miss; How to get the best rates; The best way to write headlines and copy, and more.
Street Savvy™ Radio Advertising
Radio is one of the most flexible media choices you have especially when you adopt a Street Savvy™ attitude. We'll show you how to make the "radio game" work for you. Among the topics discussed will be: How you can be sure your ads are heard; How to make the radio station's sales representative your partner; How to buy more air time for less money; and How to get your spots aired when you want them to air.Street Savvy™ Television Advertising
Television advertising is power! TV appeals to most of our senses and comes right into our homes, but it can be less effective than you might think. Rates are increasing, channel surfing is on the rise, and customers have too many choices. But there's hope! If your television advertising plan includes Street Savvy™ marketing ideas, then television becomes one powerful tool! We'll look at how best to buy time; How long your spots should be; How to get the best air time; Where to go to get network ads at cable rates, Who to work with, and more.Direct Mail, Street Savvy™ Style
The Direct Mail Association reports direct mail revenue for all product categories at around 44 billion dollars and growing at 10% a year -- about twice as fast as retail sales. Direct mail can be expensive, but it can also pay big dividends when done correctly. We'll share the advantages of a direct mail program; The best ways to use it; Mistakes to avoid, and more.The Street Savvy™ Marketers Guide to FREE Publicity
Imagine promoting your business... Absolutely FREE! Easy! When used correctly, PR is the answer to a retailer's dreams -- PR increases your credibility because publicity doesn't look like a paid advertisement. Street Savvy™ advertisers know how to create news; How to get it published; How to write a press release and more. After this seminar, you will too!