About Us
Rich and Georganne are experts on generational diversity, consumer trends, marketing and promotion, and everything retail.
So much is changing in the business world,
and the most significant change involves your workforce and customers!
Do you speak the same language that your customers speak? All of your customers? Do you understand generational nuances - the things that make each generation who they are? At work, do associates from different generations work well together? Would you like to make your team even stronger?
It all comes down to understanding people - people from different generations, with different values and thoughts, different motivations, and sensitivities. Your customers and your workforce have never been as generationally diverse as they are today. During a typical day in your store, you will work with LOMLOTs™, Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and now, Millennials. How you interact with each one depends upon their age because that greatly affects who they are - their likes and dislikes, values, beliefs, and lifestyle all relate directly to the generation they belong to.
This seminar will introduce you to the four generations that shop and work in your business. We'll share strategies to help you understand their personalities, the events that shaped them, things that motivate them, how to best manage each generation, techniques that enable the different generations to work with and better relate to each other, and more, plus strategies that create dynamic work and selling environments. |
You'll meet each generation and you'll learn how they differ from one another and why that's important to your future success.
Age is Just a State of Mind: Targeting the LOMLOTs™
"LOMLOT™" is an acronym for Lots Of Money, Lots Of Time. LOMLOTs™ may be of retirement age and better, but if you think that retired people sit around on the front porch in rocking chairs, you'd better think again! At 60 years of age, your customers and associates have 20 + years ahead of them; 20 + years to shop and work in your business. To attract LOMLOTs™, your store will have to be ready. We'll take a close look at this changing generation and show you ways to "grow" right along with them.
The 76 Million Pound Gorilla: Targeting the Baby Boomers
The generation that gave us yuppies and hippies grew up to become a generation of discerning consumers and employees. Boomers know what they want, and at nearly 50% of consumer demand, it's a good idea to give it to them. We'll share how Boomers think, plus new ways to work with them as associates and as customers, how to give them the goods and services they want, when they want them, the way that they want them!Understanding the X-Factor: Targeting Generation X
If you thought Generation Xers were supposed to be slackers, forget about it! Gen X-ers make great customers and great employees if you understand how they think. Xers grew up in the self-service "age of the consumer" so customer service to Gen Xers means a cashier and a bag for their merchandise. When introduced to service done the right way, Gen Xers become loyal customers. You'll learn what they expect from their businesses of choice, plus strategies to involve and motivate them as employees. You'll create a dynamic atmosphere for customers and employees alike! From Pokemon to Point & Click: Targeting the Millennials
There's a huge wave of Millennials heading your way! The 72 million Millennials make up the largest pool of potential customers to hit the checkout line since the infamous Baby Boomers. With big-time average allowances, Millennials spent $150 billion in 1999 and influenced $450 billion in purchases - big bucks! But Millennials aren't just your customer's kids, they are your customers. And now they're becoming members of your staff as well. We'll share what makes them tick and strategies to capture the heart of this mercurial generation.
Rich & Georganne will teach you "GenerationSpeak!"
Getting a handle on your changing customers and associates has never been easier! Rich & Georganne have spent time in focus groups with each generation. They've observed how they shop, what they look for in their businesses of choice, how they view each other as co-workers, and how to lead each generation on the job. You'll come away with a clear understanding of each generation, what they expect, and what to do about it. You'll leave this seminar armed with strategies, tactics, tips, techniques, and training you'll be able to implement the second you return to your business!